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Ecological Profile

The ecological profile is more comprehensive which gives equal coverage to the physical, biological, socio-economic, cultural and built environments.


Population Density

On built-up density in the urban areas, the highest in population density is Poblacion 2 with 194.46 persons per hectare. This is followed by Poblacion 4 with 120.81 persons per hectare.

In the rural areas, the densest barangay is Damatulan which has 2,998.5 persons per hectare. This is followed by Upper Glad II with 1,297.66 persons per hectare.

Population by Age Group, Dependency Ratio

As of 2007, the population of Midsayap is predominantly young. The senior category – 60 years old and over comprises only 4.92 percent of the population or 6,072 persons. School age group is 57,280 or 46.5 percent of the population.

Segregating the abled group – which is between ages 15 to 64 and the dependent age group of 0-14 and 65 years old and over, we will have one (1) abled person supporting .5 person or a dependency ratio of 1 is to .5 (1:.5).

Literacy of Population

As of 2007, Midsayap has a literacy rate of 89.17 percent or 109,968 persons. Only 10.83 percent (13,356) are illiterate. Elementary level ranks highest at 42.61 percent (52,548) of the literate population. Secondary level is 29.76% or 36,701. Post secondary has 4.04 percent (4,982) while college undergraduates are 6.48 percent (7,991) of the literate group. The professionals or those who have acquired a bachelor’s degree and post baccalaureate degrees comprises only 6.28 percent (7,745) of the literate population.

Population by Mother Tongue

Midsayap is predominantly a Cebuano speaking municipality. Cebuanos comprise the 35 percent of the population. Next to the Cebuanos are the Muslims which is 34 percent and Ilonggo 22 percent of the total population. Ilocanos are only 7 percent. There are also Tagalog, Leyteños, Boholanos and Highlanders (Manobo and Tiruray). Muslim populated barangays are those near the boundaries of Midsayap and Dulawan specifically Tumbras, Kapinpilan, Kadingilan, Mudseng, Lomopog, Kadigasan, Damatulan, Malingao, Palongoguen, Sambulawan, Upper Labas, Lower Labas and Tugal. Ilocano dominated barangays are Agriculture, Salunayan and Patindeguen. Other barangays are Cebuano speaking areas.

Population by Religious Sects

Roman Catholics comprise the 50 percent of the Municipal population. This is seconded by Islam believers which is 31 percent of the population. Other sects that compose the 19 percent of the population are the Protestant groups – UP, SDA, INC, Baptist, Full Gospel, Aglipayan, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others. (Source: 2005 RBI Survey of DILG)

Marital Status of Population

The household population of 10 years old and over shows that out of the population of 69,450, 32,228 or 46.40 percent are single and 34,433 or 49.58 percent are married. Only 3.33 percent are widowed and .00395 percent are separated.

Projected Population

With the growth rate of 2.14 percent based on the 2000 NSO population survey, the municipality at present (2007) has a total population of 123,324; 2008 – 125,963; 2009 – 128,659 and by 2010 at 131,412.

Based on the 2005 population growth rate of 1.30 percent, Midsayap has a total projected population of 114,282 on 2006; 117,273 on 2007; 121,906 on 2008; 128,370 on 2009; and, 136,934 on 2010.


Light and Water

Midsayap’s electrical power needs is serviced by the Maguindanao Electric Cooperative (MAGELCO). At present, MAGELCO has already energized 39 of its 57 barangays providing connections to over 5,000 residential houses.

Three levels of water works serve the households of Midsayap. Level I which utilizes jetmatic pumps, wells and springs service the rural areas where houses are scattered. Level II which utilizes communal faucet system serves the rural areas where houses are clustered densely. And Level III system with individual household connections (usually serviced by water districts) is generally installed in the urban area.

The 2001 IRAP survey revealed that 13,274 of 22,665 households in the town have direct access to potable water supply. Midsayap Water District has installed about 2,000 metered water connections to provide for the water needs of the residents.


Jeepneys, tricycles and motorcycles called “habal-habal” are the means of transportation in the area. Dual-purpose jeepneys and trucks are also available to service the residents of far-flung barangays as well as to haul farm implements and products to and from the town’s poblacion.

Buses of the Weena/North Cotabato Transit Corporation (NCTC) and air-conditioned vans regularly ply the Cotabato City to Davao City route via Midsayap. Rural buses and dual-purpose jeepneys are also available to service the nearby municipalities of the province.


The municipality has 16 barangay health stations and 1 primary government hospital manned by 38 medical/health workers and 170 active barangay health workers. Six private hospitals are also in operation with a combined capacity of accommodating 92 patients at the same time.

There are also a number of private doctors, nurses and midwives who augment the government personnel in delivering health services to the people.


Midsayap has 50 public and 6 private elementary schools, 8 public and 7 private high schools honing the skills and future of some 28,000 elementary and secondary students. Notre Dame of Midsayap College, Cotabato Medical Foundation College and Southern Christian College provide the tertiary education needs of the constituents.

The municipality also has 4 vocational/technical schools. Several computer schools also provide short-term computer and programming courses.

Environment Profile

Natural Resources

The municipality has a total crop area of 12,927.57 hectares, or 32.75 percent of the municipal area. Out of these, 6,750.00 hectares is planted with palay, 3,000 hectares for corn and 1,437.92 hectares for coconut. Other crops, such as banana, coconut, fruit trees, vegetables and root crops, have 1,739.65 hectares.

Pasture land has a total of 1,200 hectares and the swampland and marshes have a total of 4,362.50 hectares.

Aquatic Resources

The western and southern portions of the municipality are the potential resource areas of fresh water fishes. The swamps and marshes are in these areas and along the Rio Grande de Mindanao. Rivers and other bodies of water also serve as a supplementary source of irrigation water which mainly comes from the Libungan River. Inland fish ponds have an aggregate area of 68 hectares as per DA record. This produces the fresh water fishes. In 2007, there was a total of 46.8 metric tons local fish catch from both in-land (fish ponds) and municipal waters (rivers and creeks).

Mineral Resources

The presence of mineral deposit in the area is not yet determined since there are no explorations conducted as of this period.

Water and Power Resources

Natural water resource in the municipality is abundant. Potable drinking water is tapped from barangays Kiwanan of this Municipality and Abaga of Libungan to service the 12 barangays that includes the Poblacion area, Villarica, Kiwanan, Kimagango and Lower Katingawan. Several deep wells and shallow wells were installed in the different barangays. Tap water in the household within Poblacion area, villarica, Lower Katingawan, Kiwanan and Kimagango are accessed through the Metro Midsayap Water District with 2,008 households served; 279 commercial establishments; and, 35 government offices in 2007.

Irrigation water is being supplied by the Libungan River Irrigation System (LIBRIS) which covers an area of 5,949.00 hectares.

Majority (or 44) of the barangays in the municipality is energized by Maguindanao Electric Cooperative last July 10, 1976. It has potential connection of 14, 208 households. One (1) barangay is energized through DAR-Solar Power Technology Support with a solar package of 1 school, 1 barangay hall, 1 barangay health station, 2 units for communal lights and 132 solar homes. Twelve (12) barangays are still unenergized (mostly Muslim-dominated and far-flung barangays) as of June 2007.